Some people call the angel female or male;
neither may be true. Each photo seems to suggest a different gender. In the Bible, angels have masculine names. But visitors and the artist may have
different interpretations.
I wouldn’t refer to this sculpture as the Grim Reaper. The angel sits above the
marble tombstone – watching over it and silently signaling as it were, “Respect
the lives of the outstanding people who are buried here.”
Besides the black tears (and they are hard to miss), the other standout feature
is the upside-down torch that the angel hold tight (it’s not likely to be
dropped in the next few decades). The position apparently symbolizes that the flame
of life has been extinguished. Mortality brings death too soon; resting places
are to be revered. But there’s no doubt that the angel is meant to underscore
the presence of death as bodies rest in the cemetery that attracts thousands of
visitors each year.
Haserot Angel photos can reflect the
setting, the quality of the artwork, the way the family is honored and more.
Fall leaves, sunlight and shadows allow for all sorts of views.
People have different ways of describing
the statue:
“OK, now I can’t blink.”
“Hauntingly beautiful .”
“I love that cemetery”
“Very Eerie”